Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Untitled from Jena Duncan on Vimeo.

So yay for bread!!! i forgot to mention that the yeast I used wasn't local. I don't know where to find that or if such a thing exists? if you know anything about that let me know! Also I burned my hand on the rack taking the bread out, so first battle wound of the project (body as a sculpture?) BUT i was able for the first time to put my trusty aloe plant to use and soothe the burn. Its pretty small so i think I will survive!

All in all, the bread success has boosted my spirit! Time to read and snuggle with the 3 kitties in my bed! (I'm reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbra Kingsolver right now which has been recommended by many a people!)


  1. Hey Jena,

    I luvvv the new blog home, (kudos to kate too). Although they say wo(man) can not live on bread alone, it sure helps! Can't wait to sample some next time you're in Vermont. Hey by the way if you want to post some good recipes when you discover them that would be interesting too, who knows .,,,you may be the next cooking local cookbook diva
    Keep on truckin!

    Bruce aka Dad

  2. Hey Jena!
    Here are some of my favorite healthy recipe websites, I think a lot of things can be substituted for local ingredients. :)
    Here are some recipes for no-yeast breads, as well. Soda breads don't use any yeast, so maybe that would be a good route to try? Also, beer has yeast in it so that might be another option.

    3 cups self-rising flour
    3T sugar
    12oz.beer or ale

    Preheat oven to 350. Butter a bread pan. Mix everything together lightly, and bake for 1 hour. After 20 minutes, brush the top of the bread with melted butter, and repeat every 10 minutes til done.


    A lot of these recipes call for buttermilk, which is actually a by product of making your own butter (which is easy/fun/delish)

    good luck!

  3. Thanks kelly!! I'm definitely going to try a lot of different bread recipes! I love the idea of beer bread, but technically i need to find beer made with local yeast...and all. But i have a lead on peak organic beer....

  4. i'm totally impressed. my dad makes bread almost every day so i'll ask him if he has any tips.
