Saturday, February 6, 2010

A whiny blog?

So I don't mean to make this a whiny blog but its been a whiny week. I knew this would be a test of will and self restraint but I guess I tend to do what i want most of the time! Its been a bit of an adjustment, not just in what I eat but how I interacts with other people (who also eat). So while its frustrating, its also really interesting to see how complicated our relationship to food is. Not even considering the environmental and political choices of food that mainly fuel my project (no pun intended hehe), food is really part of our consumerism. Obviously we want food that taste good, but food is marketed to us just the way Ipods and movies. Besides something tasty, certain foods, from certain places promises a certain experience in our heads. I haven't read a ton on the psychology of food, but I know enough to realize all this frustration and whining i've been experiencing is not simply my body missing foods. I think its become more apparent that I'm missing the idea and the experience of a darwin's sandwich more than the actual sandwich. I'm totally part of gratifications seeking world we live in and its amazing how imbedded that desire is when it comes to food. Realizing it helps but doesn't dismiss these desires. Its still going to suck when my friends get to eat the stuff I can't, but I'm gonna try and approach it from a more humbled approach and realize it probably pretty good for me to challenge these desires.

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