Wednesday, February 24, 2010


5 hungry people (myself and my two roommates, and their respective boyfriends) and three kitties making calazones in my tiny kitchen amounts to people freaking out and stressing. So while mine is in the oven, I decided to take a little break from the chaos to check in with the blog.

For dinner last night I had left over sweet potato and black bean burrito.
Breakfast today- toast with jam and yogurt with honey
snack - carrots, apple
Lunch- potatoes with butter and cheese
snack - toast with jam, yogurt with honey, chocolate, cider
dinner - calzone with tomato, onion, garlic, and cheddar

I am in the process of making beef stew with veggies, but running in to the problem of not having enough flavor in the broth.

I also had my first panic of not having anything to bring for lunch. I was getting ready for school today and realized i didn't have anything to bring. and i was already hungry, and late. So i quickly boiled some potatoes and threw on some cheddar and butter. Unfortunately it didn't satisfy for very long and i was hungry by 2:30 with class for another two hours. So i sucked it up and bought some chocolate at the store :-)

I'm not sure if I've really talked about this much, but eating locally has been rigorous in terms of food preparation. I pretty much have to prepare and cook everything I eat, and cook ahead to have things to bring to school all week. I enjoy cooking and will be making a cookbook of images and recipies in alt pro as one of my pieces, but it all get rather exhausting. Especially when im trying to document and make photographs of it. Sometimes the documentation falls to the wayside as it adds much more time to an already lengthy process. I also think I really try to do a lot in one day. This project could be a full time job, all day everyday, and I feel I could do so much more if I could devote all of my time to this. In a perfect world ha!

Look forward to seeing some sweet maps and lightbulb terrariums, once I photograph them.

And the fire alarm is going off.....better go check on the mayhem.....

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